
Massive New FIBARO Software Update!

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Recently, the Fibaro team released a huge new Fibaro software update for it’s Z-Wave software and their home controllers (Fibaro HC3, Fibaro HC3 Lite and Yubii Home).

We’ve also noticed significantly better performance on the Fibaro apps, especially on Android Smart Phones.

The recent Fibaro change from the Z-Wave version 2.0 to 3.0 has brought significant improvements to the software. The change to Z-Wave version 3.0 include some important improvements like a simplified mechanism for adding devices, support for improved encryption mechanisms, and has streamlined the process of adding advanced devices parameters configuration. Find all the changes V3.0 has brought in the update details below.

In addition to changes to the Z-Wave software, the new update has also brought improvements to the Yubii Ecosystem (Fibaro HC3 and Yubii Home), Energy Panel and Gateway Connection. Some key features include:

  • New features related to operating speed for selected devices
  • Support for further Nice devices
  • Brand new energy panel
  • New mechanism for linking the HC3, HC3L and Yubii Home Gateways

Read the full details of new Fibaro update below.

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Our Fibaro Smart Home Devices Are Still on Sale!

Fibaro Z-Wave devices are still on sale at Z-Wave Home Automation Australia. Don’t miss out on your chance to purchase Fibaro products at our lowest prices… EVER! With Free Shipping on all orders in Australia you won’t find a better price on Fibaro and other Z-Wave brands in the entire country. If you want a powerful and reliable Smart Home system or want to add to your existing Fibaro system then this is the best time to do so! Check out our MASSIVE SALE below.

[button ppid=”pp_123e1b2b_1bca_4f86_ad3c_17addd008a00″ button_text=”View Deals on Fibaro Devices” button_color=”mdl-button–accent” raised_button=”on” rippled_button=”off” button_link=”” button_new_tab=”on” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” margin_right=”” padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” padding_right=”” extra_classes=””][/button]

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